Autumn is a beautiful time of year. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and there’s a sense of renewal in the air. But it’s also a time when falls become more common, especially for older adults.

Why? Well, think about it:

  • Slippery leaves: Wet leaves on sidewalks and pathways can be treacherous.
  • Less daylight: As the days get shorter, it’s easier to trip over unseen obstacles.
  • Cooler temperatures: Cold weather can make joints stiff and muscles less flexible, increasing the risk of falls.

But don’t let the fear of falling keep you indoors! Here are some simple tips to help you stay safe and enjoy the season:

  • Clear the way: Rake leaves from your yard and walkways regularly.
  • Light it up: Make sure your outdoor areas are well-lit. Consider motion-sensor lights for added safety.
  • Wear sensible shoes: Choose footwear with good traction and avoid high heels.
  • Stay active: Regular exercise can improve your balance and coordination.
  • Get your vision checked: Make sure your eyesight is up to par, especially if you wear glasses.

By taking a few precautions, you can “leaf” your worries behind and enjoy a safe and healthy fall season.

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