Chapters 2 & 7 have been revised. Are your manuals up to date?
Implemented by over 150 facilities throughout the State of Colorado and Nationally, these manuals will provide you up to date policies, procedures, and materials that will help you form and run a successful Assisted Living Residence. A signed Limited License to Copy for each manual is required upon purchase and prior to receiving the manual.
All of the manuals are designed to meet and/or exceed Assisted Living Residence and Alternative Care Living community requirements. They are prepared to spare you some of the time and effort required to create and prepare all of the requirements in Colorado regulations found in Chapter 2, the revised Chapter 7, Chapter 24, ACF Section 8.495, and other regulations.
We caution you to carefully adapt and modify this material so that it becomes a valuable tool in the delivery of care and services for your residents and meets the standards and unique needs of your community.
As you modify and adapt this material, we caution you to remember that a policy is “what you will do” and a procedure is “how you will do it”. Every policy should therefore have at least one procedure and every procedure should have a related policy.
All materials are provided on an as-is basis without warranty of any kind. CEU / Consulting & Education Unlimited, LLC specifically excludes and disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. It is important to remember that all of your operational policies, procedures, forms, practices, and tools must meet the requirements set forth in federal, state, and local regulations, the current standard of practice, and all other necessary guidelines. It is also important to review your operational materials with your legal agent to assure that they meet both legal and ethical standards.
There are numerous locations in each manual that require the community to customize the policy, procedure, and/or form to meet the needs of the community or to insert further documentation. A word search such as “customize” or “insert” will assist you to locate the pages and address these needed changes.
Furthermore, these manuals reflect the most current regulations but may need further updates. Please let us know if, during the survey process, needs, concerns, or questions arise, and we will attempt to be of assistance to you.
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