Effective 1/1/19: All Facilities that offer direct care to at-risk adults must complete a check with the Colorado Adult Protective Services (CAPS)

Colorado Adult Protective Services (CAPS) Posted: 14 Dec 2018 03:52 PM PST To: All Fac types From: Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division on behalf of the Colorado Department of Human Services. Beginning January 1, 2019 licensed agencies that provide direct care services to at-risk adults will be required to request a check of the

November is National Diabetes Month

This year, for National Diabetes Month, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases is raising awareness of the lifelong risk mothers and children have of developing type 2 diabetes if the mother had gestational diabetes during her pregnancy. Click here for more info.    

World Stroke Day

Today is World Stroke Day Our hearts go out to each and every one of you who has been affected by a stroke or by a loved one who has had a stroke. Here are some resources for you.  You are not alone.  Check out this news clip from 9 News. AHA – Get help

One Foggy Halloween Night

One Foggy Halloween Night A man is walking home alone very late one foggy Halloween night. There isn’t another soul on the streets. Suddenly from out of the haze he hears … bump … bump … bump … eztul … eztul … eztul ! He looks behind him and spots a sneaky, shadowy thing. Unnerved,