Welcome to the 40-hour ALR Self-Paced Course.  We are looking forward to your participation in this course. 

Please review the attached Welcome Packet.  This includes information about requirements for the course, the in-person exam, regulation links, resources, etc.  This document will also be in the Google Classroom. 

You can access the classroom at https://classroom.google.com/c/NjM2NDUyODE2MTk5?cjc=qbobfu2

The introductory content and Module 1 have been opened.  Upon successful completion of each module, we will open subsequent modules.  There are a total of 18 modules and requires a total of 40 hours.  Please send us a message as you complete modules and need more opened. 

We schedule Competency Exams on a monthly basis.  Please check the Google Classroom Calendar for upcoming exam dates and to register. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call Kristie Ashby at kristie@ceuservicesgroup.com or 303-457-3288. 

Thank you!